The Radicchio Rosso of Treviso has a long standing tradition and it is unforgettable by all those who are lucky enough to taste it.

Its history is ancient and not entirely known: maybe it was a variety of Wild Chicory.

Today the Treviso area produces 2 Radicchio variety.

The red and crispy “Precoce” that is ready to harvest since September 1st. During the summer the green leaves of radicchio in the fields are “tied” together to inhibit photosynthesis and to enable the development of the deep red color. After the harvest the Radicchio undergo the washing process and only after a quality check it will be ready for sale.

The other Radicchio variety is the famous “Tardivo” whose collection is possible from November 1st, after at least two culture frosts. The special organoleptic and aesthetic peculiarity of the Red Radicchio Of Treviso Tardivo are due to the post-harvest processing, including several hours washing under fluent fresh water to soften the bitter taste of this vegetable.

Thanks to Mistofrigo