During our Live in New York, we have been hosted at the Institute of Culinary Education where we talked about the Italian Association Chefs of New York’s mission together with chef Michele Mazza and chef Raffaele Solinas: educating with Italian food. Furthermore, We have also met the guys from the Taste to Taste: giovani chef per il made in Italy, together with their mentor Roberto Petza, the only Michelin starred chef in the whole Sardinia, who explained us the educational activities within the project.

There have been six young Sardinian chefs who have been selected for the first edition of the project Taste to taste, giovani chef per il made in Italy. The project has been created and promoted by ASPAL (Sardinian Agency for the active labor policies) and cofinanced by the Minister of the Foreign Affairs and the International Cooperation. It provides a first phase of training at the Casa Puddu Academy owned by starred chef Roberto Petza, who supervised the young chefs for the next phase: the experience in the United States of America.

It has been in the Big Apple that the Sardinian young chefs have met the young American chefs team from the International Culinary Education, selected and trained for the exchange project thanks to the Italian Association Chefs in New York (AICNY). Among the objectives also the promotion of Italian cuisine and food products at training centres and Italian institutions abroad, besides the chance for the young chefs of getting real working experiences at some Italian restaurants of the metropolis.

This is the goal of the Taste to Taste project: build the base for future collaborations with American institutions for new training and exchange projects that can give young people the chance to improve their professional skills in order to find a job in some top field business realities.